EP. 20 - AI Increases Sales Productivity w/ Stefan Groschupf

This episode I speak with Stefan Groschupf, Founder and CEO of automation Hero. Stefan has a history of founding and running tech companies for over 20 years and is now focused on revolutionizing sales tech for the modern sales team.

In our conversation we discuss:

  • What’s holding back sales reps from getting the chance to actually sell.

  • Salespeople are not data analyst and should not be required to do data entry.

  • The stats that prove that most sales reps are highly inefficient with their time.

  • How AI is helping Sales and Marketing create a true Revenue Engine together to meet the demands of the modern buyer.

Additional Resources:

automation Hero - Stefan’s company

Connect with Stefan on LinkedIn or Twitter

Music/Production: Chris "KID" Robinson, Hitmakuzz Productions
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